You have in reality the case that sounds like a joke or a figure of speech:
Nearly everybody is below average.
Huff, D. (2010). How to lie with statistics. WW Norton & Company. P. 31.
Majority of individuals earn less than average salary. Why? There is a simple explanation for this fact. Firstly, income distribution could be described with Lorenz curve.
Proper Lorenz curve could be calculated using only the Gini coefficient:
Lorenz curve formula: f(x)=1-(1-x)^(1-1/a) (1)
as soon as G=1/(2a-1) (2)
we can calculate a=0.5/G+0.5 and
express formula with G only: f(x)=1-(1-x)^((1-G)/(1+G))
Now let's arrange all our employees using their wages. If we want to find the salary of a person at 50% (median value, 50% will earn less and 50% will earn more) we need to find "y(50%)" for "x±0.5bin" (bin will be a tiny fraction of only 0.0001%).
In order to continue, now we will need to know the average net salary (S) for the selected land. For Belarus, it will be 310 EUR (S=310 EUR). Let's continue now. The typical (average) salary for the selected tiny bin would be equal:
Therefore y(50%)=310*(0.3315129611-0.3315121843)/0.000001≈241 EUR
Thus, only 22% of people (100%-72.7%) earn average salary or more. While 19% earn not less than 500 EUR and 5.4% earn not less than two average salaries (2*310=620 EUR). Top 1 % (y(99%)) earns 1240 EUR/month or more. As you could mention, at given y, x depends only on G (y∼x^(1/G) ⇒ x∼y^G). It brings me to 2 findings:
- As soon as Gini coefficient in real life is always higher than 0, more than 50% will earn less than the average salary in their country.
- Rise of inequality (expressed as Gini coefficient) confers increase in number of people earning less than average salary.